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Expert in GMAT Coaching

Demonstrate your readiness to succeed in business school

Why take the GMAT exam? More than 2,000 business schools worldwide trust the GMAT because it demonstrates your readiness for academic success. Quite simply, the GMAT lets you showcase the skills that matter most in business school and beyond.

Explore the reasons why taking the GMAT exam positions you for success.

  •     Why the GMAT exam is the test of choice among students worldwide.
  •     Why schools trust and prefer the GMAT exam.
  •     How preparing for the GMAT exam can give you the confidence to succeed in the classroom.
  •     Why employers demand and value the skills demonstrated on the GMAT exam, especially integrated reasoning.
  •     How official GMAT prep tips, tools, and resources can give you the confidence you need to succeed.

Graduate Management Aptitude Test shortly known as GMAT. Test-takers may register for the GMAT either online at mba.com or by calling one of the test centers. The total GMAT score ranges from 200 to 800 and measures performance on the quantitative and verbal sections together (performance on the AWA and IR sections do not count towards the total score, these sections are scored separately). Scores are given in increments of 10 (e.g. 540, 550, 560, 570, etc.). From the most recent data released by GMAC, the average GMAT score of all test takers is about 540.

Landmark Consultants has expertise in various coaching services, GMAT is one of them.

The exam is given only on computer, which ensures consistency and fairness. Computer exam allows you to take the test in any corner of the world. You can track your time taken for answering and the number of questions you have to answer. Receive unofficial scores when you finish the test.

GMAT Test Sections

Integrated Reasoning 30 12

Multi-Source Reasoning

Table Analysis

Graphics Interpretation

Two-Part Analysis

Analytical Writing Assessment 30 1 Analysis of an Argument 0-6
Optional Break 8 Mins - - -
Quantitative 75 37

Data Sufficiency

Problem Solving

Optional Break 8 Mins - - -
Verbal 75 41

Reading Comprehension

Critical Reasoning

Sentence Correction


GMAT $ 250 USD